Sunday, July 7, 2024

Tag: Grace

‘God’s Will Never Leads Where God’s Grace Cannot Survive’

“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Let’s begin this Friday's article with...

Why I Never Drink Alcohol

Forty-six years ago, in 1971, the Lord graciously saved me from a life from sinful destruction, which included very serious drug abuse and some...

Who Or What Is Controlling Your Choices More Than You Think?

"Grace changes the nature of man, but nothing changes the nature of sin" (John Owen). The principle of sowing and reaping applies to all areas...

What It Means To Be Married To A Wild Cat Pt. 3

A Wild Cat wife is an untrained, unspiritual and disobedient woman. She is one of the most difficult personalities to live with. This...

What It Means To Be Married To A Wild Cat Pt. 2

A Wild Cat wife is an untrained, unspiritual and disobedient woman. She is one of the most difficult personalities to live with. This...

The Role Of Yahweh’s Grace In Marriage

Grace means God in the RACE. And when God is in the race you are guaranteed to finish well. When God is in the race it...

