Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tag: Leadership

The Vatican Gives “Prosperity Preachers” A Dirty Slap!

In the latest edition of the Vatican-approved Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica, two of the pope’s communication advisers, Antonio Spadaro and Marcelo Figueroa, wrote...

EP Church, Ghana Inaugurates Three Committees To Enhance Sustainable Growth

The Prisons Ministry and the National Evangelism Committee as well as the Dumedefor (Ambassador Choir) Management Board have been inaugurated by the Moderator of...

Ep Church Commissioned Pastors Sign Code Of Professional Discipline And Ethics

Thirteen newly Commissioned Pastors of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana were at the Church headquarters in Ho to sign EPCG’s Code of Professional Discipline...

Died: James Earl Massey, The Church Of God’s ‘Prince Of Preachers’

Preacher James Earl Massey, whose pastoral cadence went out over radio waves and across dozens of seminary chapels during his seven decades in ministry, died...

My Stories On The Mission Field

"On the 25th of August I left Accra, Ghana for Mozambique to start our mission church. I was full of zeal and passion but...

The Discontented Missionaries

" Some years ago, some missionaries I had sent to the mission field began complaining about various things. They would call one another and...

