Friday, December 27, 2024

Tag: Leadership

Billy Graham, The Voice That Pulls

Young Billy Graham slung his bag across his shoulder and stepped into the canoe. He eased it slowly into the Hillsborough River, directly east...

For Black Women At Church, It’s More Than The Aretha Eulogy

A black pastor’s controversial eulogy at Aretha Franklin’s funeral laid bare before the world what black women say they have experienced for generations: sexism...

Banned From Meeting In Church, Rwandan Worshippers Gather At Home

Grace Umutesi has secretly been conducting services in her house in the Bannyahe slum on the outskirts of the capital since officials shut down...

The Vatican Gives “Prosperity Preachers” A Dirty Slap!

In the latest edition of the Vatican-approved Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica, two of the pope’s communication advisers, Antonio Spadaro and Marcelo Figueroa, wrote...

EP Church, Ghana Inaugurates Three Committees To Enhance Sustainable Growth

The Prisons Ministry and the National Evangelism Committee as well as the Dumedefor (Ambassador Choir) Management Board have been inaugurated by the Moderator of...

Ep Church Commissioned Pastors Sign Code Of Professional Discipline And Ethics

Thirteen newly Commissioned Pastors of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana were at the Church headquarters in Ho to sign EPCG’s Code of Professional Discipline...

