Monday, September 30, 2024

Tag: Life

Thanksgiving: The Perfect Time To Share Your Testimony

Walking Miracles Eating Turkey For years, Bryan Williams had told a story of incredible survival, but each time he told it grew in mythical status. The...

5 Questions To Determine If He’s “The One”

My boyfriend and I had been pursuing an intentional relationship for quite some time. He was ready to move forward into engagement. I wasn’t...

How To Worship When You’re Not In Church

Around the time my husband and I were married (25 years ago), we both felt the pull to attend church. Until then, it had...

10 Ways Christians Can Show Love This Thanksgiving

The holidays are upon us and soon we will be gearing up for the busiest time of the year. In a few weeks Thanksgiving...

Why Scheduling Is Good For Your Soul And Your Sanity

"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little . ....

5 Reasons You Don’t See Christians Sharing Their Faith Anymore

Why is it so hard to share our faith? Let me rephrase that. Why is it so hard to share our faith in a smart, loving, brave, honest, humble, and confident way?...

