Monday, September 30, 2024

Tag: Life

Gay Lawyer Warns Parents: ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Will Rob Kids’ Innocence

A gay lawyer warned that Disney's push for LGBT-inclusion could rob children's innocence. "Prime-time network television is geared for an adult audience; one that understands...

Finland Votes To Protect Children From Christianity

Helsinki, Finland – In this Scandinavian country of just over 5 million souls, the government ratified a new law curbing the power of Christianity...

Andrew Trimble: Rugby, Religion And Me

They are some of the best-known lines from one of the nation's favourite poems, the mantra of numerous self-help manuals and an inspiration for...

Poverty & Dignity: The Sad Story Of Tom Fletcher

To kick off his 1964 "war on poverty" initiative, President Lyndon B. Johnson held a photo op at the home of a man named...

What’s More Important Than Praying For Messiah’s Arrival?

In 1867, Mark Twain visited Israel and wrote in his travel book Innocents Abroad that the land was "a desolate country whose soil is...

The Power of the Sons of God

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 2:10-22 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Romans...

