Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tag: Life

Don’t Wait For Opportunities, Create Them

An evangelist is an opportunist. He doesn’t wait for opportunities, he creates them. He doesn’t strike the iron WHILE it is hot, but UNTIL it...

Billy Graham, The Voice That Pulls

Young Billy Graham slung his bag across his shoulder and stepped into the canoe. He eased it slowly into the Hillsborough River, directly east...

Banned From Meeting In Church, Rwandan Worshippers Gather At Home

Grace Umutesi has secretly been conducting services in her house in the Bannyahe slum on the outskirts of the capital since officials shut down...

Roy Moore Loses To Doug Jones In Humiliating Senate Result For Donald Trump

Doug Jones, the man who made his name prosecuting two former Ku Klux Klan members who bombed a black church, has won a stunning victory in...

In Argentina, Homeless Addict Thankful For Gospel Power

In a neighborhood known for brothels and beggars in an otherwise historic section of eastern Buenos Aires, a homeless Argentinian from a well-to-do family...

The Vatican Gives “Prosperity Preachers” A Dirty Slap!

In the latest edition of the Vatican-approved Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica, two of the pope’s communication advisers, Antonio Spadaro and Marcelo Figueroa, wrote...

