Saturday, February 22, 2025

Take Your Life Out Of Neutral Pt. 1


“Decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways.”Job 22:28 AMP
Whenever you make a decision, it affects two realms: the spiritual realm and the natural realm.

Decisions affect both your spiritual frequency and your natural frequency—the level of authority you operate in both the spiritual and natural spheres.

You can decide for a change. One decision can radically transform your life. The moment you make a decision, you alter your destiny. Destiny is decision oriented.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, you must have extraordinary decision-making skills. Your life comes to you in a measured way—one day and one decision at a time.

“Choose you this day…” Joshua 24:15 KJV

Every day that you awaken, you make destiny-defining choices. If today you don’t like where you are, then decide where it is you’d rather be—and then make the necessary choices that will take you there.

What is one decision you can make today that will move you in the direction of your dreams? You can decide to take 100% responsibility for your life.

When you take full responsibility, that means you take ownership—and the moment you take ownership, you put yourself back in the driver’s seat. Take your personal power back and begin making decisions that will change the course of your life one destiny-defining day at a time.

You are the author of your life story. You can choose what will be written on the pages of your life.

Every time you make a decision, you put pen to paper. Your decisions are the pen you use to write your life story—that means you’re going to have to think for a change; you’re going to have to be intentional about the decisions you make to create the changes you want.

If you want to elevate your life, you must elevate your thoughts.

The Kingdom—and the Word it is founded upon—is about getting you to shift your paradigm; training you how to think. The Word of God says that if you want to transform your life, you must first transform your mind—you must renew it, or realign it with the truth of who God says you are in Christ.


Dr Cindy Trimm



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