Monday, March 10, 2025

Tap Into Heaven’s Provision – Pt 3

In that respect, storehouses are very different from bank accounts today. If we need more, we can always borrow—and that is where many of us get into trouble.
 “The borrower is a slave to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7

This is why budgeting is so important. Each budget category is like a storehouse if we keep our budgets correctly. When the money in that category is gone, we stop spending.

At the same time, our budgets should include bigger “storehouses” for things such as an emergency fund, a college fund, and a retirement fund for the day we can pay ourselves to do what God wants us to do.

The more wisdom we obtain in this area, the wealthier we will be.

Think of Joseph who built storehouses in times of plenty in preparation for times of drought.

When Jesus tells the parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12:16-21, the audience knew that storehouses were important for survival. They knew they had to save in order to have several months of reserves in case of a calamity.

At the same time, they knew that whatever they had beyond that amount was more than enough—and could be used to build God’s Kingdom and help others.

Today, we should have the same mentality of saving.

We should not only have money to take care of ourselves no matter what we face—but because we’ve predetermined what the size our storehouses should be, whatever else can be given away or invested in Kingdom endeavors.



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