Friday, March 28, 2025

The Holy Spirit

We know much more about the Holy Spirit today than in the past. Jesus promised power to make us witnesses “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1,8). That is God’s kind of power, enough to carry us through to the very end.

The power of God is the person of the Holy Spirit and you cannot split a person. No person can appear in percentages. God does not deal in dribs and drabs. He is not mean or cautious, but generous.

He does not pass out the Holy Spirit by measure, checked and weighed as if on heavenly scales. He does not turn the tap off so that it does no more than dribble. He lets it run.

God has no water meter in heaven and Pentecost is not a touch of blessing or an anointing just for a sermon. It continues until the Great Commission has been completed, until we no longer need to evangelize – a continuing and extended movement of God’s Spirit till the end of the age.

Joel announced that God would pour out His Spirit. The word “pour” does not mean a watering here and there, occasional spills, but revival times.

Nobody need chase the Holy Spirit or get him into a corner to persuade him to help. He is chasing us, persuading us, wanting us by His side to make the end times what he means them to be – decades of non-stop revival, revival fires breaking out here, there and everywhere, over and over again.

This is God’s thermal age, the age of fire.

Desire the fire and claim your flame.

God bless you.



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