Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Key To Supernatural Abundance


Beloved, you cannot face your financial problems with “head knowledge” because it doesn’t work! You must learn to take the very thing Satan wants to defeat you with — your finances — and use them to strengthen your faith!

Most people facing financial need in their lives have a mountain of overdue bills, mounting debts, and a lack of sufficient finances and are looking for more money to help them out of their financial problem. They think borrowing, changing jobs, or manipulating circumstances will solve their problems.

But more money is not the answer. You may get more money, but that, too, will soon be gone unless you learn how to enter into God’s Cycle of Supernatural Provision.

God wants you to enter into a new realm of the Spirit: divine provision. It is a supernatural experience where you can experience total financial freedom.

In II Corinthians 8, the Apostle Paul was writing to the believers in Corinth concerning a contribution that they begun to gather for the Christians in Jerusalem, but had not yet finished collecting. To encourage the Corinthians to complete this offering, Paul used the churches in Macedonia, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, and others as examples. Verses 2-5 in the Amplified version give us a better understanding of the original Greek:

For in the midst of an ordeal of severe tribulation, their abundance of joy and their depth of poverty [together] have overflowed in wealth of lavish generosity on their part. For, as I can bear witness, [they gave] according to their ability, yes, and beyond their ability; and [they did it] voluntarily, Begging us most insistently for the favor and the fellowship of contributing in this ministration for [the relief and support of] the saints [in Jerusalem]. Nor [was this gift of theirs merely the contribution] that we expected, but first they gave themselves to the Lord and to us [as His agents] by the will of God].

II Corinthians 8:2-5, AMPC

These believers gave liberally to meet the needs of the church at Jerusalem, knowing that God would supernaturally provide for them.

The Macedonian congregations who gave to the Jerusalem church were themselves facing a time of great trial and poverty. Macedonia had been devastatingly overrun by armies and stripped of wealth, but it’s people’s focus was not on their own financial situation. They were not moaning, groaning, or complaining because of Satan’s attacks on their finances. They were rejoicing! They knew God would supply their need!

Their eyes were not on their own meager resources, but on God’s supernatural provision. They gave liberally out of their deep poverty, trusting God to supernaturally provide for them.

One of Satan’s major strategies to keep Christians in financial bondage is to convince them they cannot afford to give. He tries to keep you focused on your own financial needs, so you stop giving or give sparingly because your eyes are fixed on your limited finances instead of God’s promises. You can’t afford not to give because it is the key to the divine Cycle of God’s Supernatural Provision!

Say this faith declaration out loud:

I will surrender myself to God so that He can release His supernatural provision into my life! Through prayer and giving, I will enter into this divine Cycle of God’s Supernatural Provision for 2020!

Morris Cerullo 



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