Friday, March 28, 2025

The Name Of Jesus Must Be Lifted High

Recently, a few (slightly) high profile Christian leaders have publicly renounced their faith (or at least expressed that they were on the verge). I know this has been discouraging to some of you, but I want to encourage you to keep some perspective.

In the era of social media, where one scandalous story can dominate headlines, one or two outspoken backsliders can seem much more significant than they actually are. Look at the picture attached. This was just a few days ago in Nakuru, Kenya.

More than a third of the population of that city is in the photograph. They are not there for a concert or a political rally. They are there listening to the preaching of the Gospel.

The name of Jesus was lifted high. Thousands were saved. Amazing miracles happened. Hundreds experienced deliverance from demons.

In the weeks leading up to the main event, our team preached the Gospel in more than 600 schools, villages, markets and orphanages. More than 200,000 people received Christ – BEFORE THE EVENT STARTED!!

In some of the schools where our team ministered, they had full-blown outpourings of the Holy Spirit. The power of God moved among students for hours, with hundreds laid out under the power of God. And still others were dramatically delivered from demons – in public schools.

This is just one recent example of one thing God did in one little city in one part of the world. All over the planet the power of God is moving. I’m hearing the reports from every corner – far too many to tell. So, don’t let the backsliding of a couple, mostly irrelevant “leaders” discourage you. God is on the move. Let’s keep pressing forward with all our might. The best is yet to come!



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