Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Seed


You carry the seed of Abraham, the seed that cannot die – His name is the Living God, Everlasting Father, El-Shaddai.

When you carry Him on the inside, they can try to bury you in a hole, in a dead end job, in a lousy existence, and leave you single for years, barren for many years of marriage.

They can write your obsequies and spread the word that you are down and will never come up … but the devil is a liar.

What they don’t realise is that you are not in the hands of an undertaker, who when he puts things in the ground, they are dead and buried.

You are in the hands of a Gardener, who when He plants something, knows it is a seed and that sooner or later, it’s going to come back up.

You are coming back up Other people may be buried but in Christ, you have been planted because Jesus is the root of Jesse and when you have roots, you can bring forth, fruits and a harvest.

You can be fruitful and productive.

You are coming up in Jesus name.





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