Sunday, February 23, 2025

What Can Go Wrong Can Go Right


If Jesus, the Lord of miracles, was around, walking miraculously on the water, then Peter was not about to miss his chance. Other miracles could happen.

Why let him pass by? Peter certainly did not. Unfortunately, people do let the Lord of miracles pass by.

If there is a Jesus, why live as if there were not? If there is a Father in heaven, why live like orphans? If there is a Savior, why die unsaved?

If there is a Healer, why not ask him to heal? If there is an all-sufficient Christ, why scratch and scrape like chickens in a farmyard? If things can go wrong, they can go right.

If the devil can work, so can God. How many people expect it? Faith is for the day of calamity, but that is when some believers stop believing. Their faith only flourishes in glorious meetings.

They wear their life jackets on deck but throw them away when they fall into the sea. So, Peter went in for a miracle. Live by faith! That is life as God meant it to be. Miracles come to those who live the way of faith.

That is God’s grand design for our lives, for us to step out, depending on the Word of God and the power of God to give us miracles.

We cannot walk with God without experiencing wonders. Understood?

God bless you.


Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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