Saturday, October 5, 2024

What Happened To The True Gospel?


Just a cursory glance through lives of the apostles in the scriptures will reveal a fundamental similarity – a deep passion for soul winning!

Fast forward, present day. Can the same be said of us? Unfortunately not. Passion is not absent, but the direction is generally different.

What happened to street evangelism – going to the highways and the by ways? What happened to crowds that gathered and were deeply convicted?

What happened to the fire and zeal that drove the ordinary Christian out there with the life altering message?

What happened to the true gospel?

A new dawn is here!

It is time to return to the ancient paths!

It is time to say with Paul ‘Woe is me if i preach not the gospel’

Let’s say with Nehemiah… ‘We will arise and build!’

Thank God for shameless preachers like Bishop Dag Heward-mills who are standing to proclaim the truth and stirring up the masses to do same!

‘Make Yourselves Saviours Of Men’ – that is the theme for the Harmattan Bible seminar going on at the Anagkazo Bible seminary, Mampong Akuapem.

Thousands were stirred up. Many were trained.

Multitudes have been sent out and by the power of the Spirit, many will be saved!



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