Saturday, March 29, 2025

Where Now Are The “Elijahs” Of God? – Chairman To Christians

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye has called on Christians to rise and be prepared to stand for Jesus Christ at all cost.

Speaking at the 2019 Apostolisation Retreat of the Suame Area of The Church of Pentecost on Thursday, February 14, 2019, Apostle Eric Nyamekye said that God is looking for Christians who are not interested in saving their skins but those who are prepared to pursue the will of God even to the peril of their own lives.

Reading 1 Kings 18 and 19, the Chairman pointed out that although there were 7000 priests of God in the city, none was prepared to stand up against the worship of Baal. However, Elijah stood up and confronted King Ahab and the priests of Baal, and through him, God defeated the prophets of Baal and brought the city under His authority.

He said that just like Elijah, Christians must be prepared to rise and be counted in order to possess every sphere of life for Jesus Christ. He urged Christians to be bold and be relentless until all the kingdoms of the world come under the authority of God, saying:“ Where now are the Elijahs of God?”

The Suame Area 2019 Apostolisation Retreat, which began on Wednesday, February 13, 2019, at the Tetelestai Assembly church auditorium, has Apostle Albert Amoah (Retd.) and Apostle Emmanuel Acquah (Resident Minister, PIWC-Kokomlemle) as the main speakers.

Participating in the event are Apostle Michael Collins Asiedu (Suame Area Head), his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Asiedu, as well as the area pastorate and their spouses.





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