Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Witchdoctors Meet Jesus!

I will be sharing more of the wonderful testimonies and reports pouring in from each of the locations where we just completed ELEVEN 5-night Gospel Campaign in Zambia. Can you imagine what a tsunami of glorious stories of God’s power that unleashed? We’re starting with Chingola, where Evangelists Randy Roberts and Lukas Repert (both Bootcamp graduates who were trained by me) were stationed.

Evangelist Randy Roberts shares:

Typically, on Friday night we preach a message on the power of the blood of Jesus and we burn the barrels for the first time. These are 55-gallon drums with several holes bored in the sides that we have people put “juju” in. This includes any kind of witchcraft — idols, talismans, potions, powders, etc. So, on Thursday night, I encouraged people to bring any of this and added that they should invite all the witchdoctors they know of so we can see who is truly God.

Little did I know that as I said this, many of the local pastors and bishops began to feel a bit nervous because of my invitation. You see, the field we were on in Chingola had a history about which I was unaware. The field, Kaunda Square, was known for witchcraft.

Our Gospel Campaign director, Brady Liette, had a major battle with the city over cutting these trees down. They were terrified that the people would be furious and cause chaos. Fortunately, one of the leading local bishops, who was our Gospel Campaign chairman, is good friends with the President of Zambia. He instructed the mayor to allow us to cut them down. When they did, the top witchdoctor, also known as a stone dealer, went crazy with grief and then disappeared… for a while.

Fast forward to Friday night of the Gospel Campaign. That same stone dealer, whose name is Datsun, heard the invitation, came to the Gospel Campaign with some of his juju, and put it in the barrels! Unfortunately, he didn’t put it all in and had not yet received Jesus, so he was demonically tormented all night when he went home. On Saturday, he brought the rest. We helped him take it off his body and burn it. Then were able to preach the Gospel to him, and he got saved.

We rejoiced over what Jesus had done in his life and asked him to go up on stage and share his testimony. Then my friend evangelist Lukas Repert laid hands on him and he was slain in the spirit. Hallelujah!

Shortly after that someone came from the side of the stage to tell me that there were five more witch doctors who had heard Datsun give his testimony. They wanted to talk to me and give their lives to Jesus as well! So I went and preached the Gospel to them, led them in the salvation prayer, and then handed them over to the same bishops who were a little concerned with my initial invitation. Needless to say, they had a whole new, positive attitude toward the situation!

Shortly after that someone came from the side of the stage to tell me that there were five more witch doctors who had heard Datsun give his testimony. They wanted to talk to me and give their lives to Jesus as well! So I went and preached the Gospel to them, led them in the salvation prayer, and then handed them over to the same bishops who were a little concerned with my initial invitation. Needless to say, they had a whole new, positive attitude toward the situation!

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN Team)



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