Saturday, October 5, 2024

You Can Have It All


“The Father gave us everything, the very beautiful world and all there is in it was given to us; all the lands, the sea, rivers, plants and vegetation, animals, birds, beasts of the field…oh, name them.  Everything the Father had spoken into being was actually meant for our pleasure.”

“He created Adam from sand, and from a single extracted side rib, He created me. He created us and gave us such a wonderful, indescribably beautiful place to live in. Oh, our mouths were indeed filled with laughter”

Extract from Eve: IF I HAD KNOWN.

It is perceived that no single person can have everything.  We often hear people make this casual remarks: “you can not have it all”.  And fortunately, we (born again and tongue speaking Christians) have come to accept this ungodly assertion.  Hell no! Can’t you see who is behind this statement? Yes… The Devil.  Listen, God spells it out very clearly in book of Genesis – that it is possible to have it all. Oh pardon me… You actually have it all; “…I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. – everything that has the breath of life in it…” Yes! That’s what am talking about; Adam and Eve actually had it at.  That was how God intended things to be. His original plan  for mankind was to have everything.  According to God’s plan for his children, they could have everything before they even desired.  Like seriously… Yes! Like seriousely.  It is very obvious my dear… Look, whatever Adam and Eve lacked, God provided before they even desired for that particular thing. Isn’t it amazing? A wife (Eve) was made readily available for Adam when He sensed his loneliness. Again, God provided a job for Adam to satisfy his sense of worth before Adam himself could desire the need to work and engage in something meaningful to make him fulfilled and contented.

Until the serpent deceived mankind and change the course of life for humanity, God needed not to let His children ask before he gave to them. Adam entered the world to find his beautifully designed and built abode, waiting for him.  A beautiful world with all there is in it for his comfort. Even Eve had a husband waiting for her immediately she entered the world. The good Lord planned his children’s comfort before they even entered the world. Like what many responsible couple expecting the arrival of their baby would do.  They prepare well in advance for the arrival of the new addition to the family. For example, they spend money, effort and time to put the baby’s room together. Even some rich folks wanting a particular school for their baby would go extra mile to register the unborn child with the most prestigious schools.  Jehovah God did this and more when He decided to bring man into the world. He first and foremost brought order to the world which was initially without form. “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep…” Gen 1:2  The world was in a chaotic condition but because God needed a habitable place for his children, he brought form, order and beauty to the earth –  This… the Lord did without being asked to do it.  You have to believe this; the original plan for man was a life of bliss, comfort, laughter and harmony.  Man needed not to ask for anything… but here we are in a fallen world: pleading and crying for things as basic as daily food. The fallen state of man leaves him with little blessings to operate with – no wonder the assertion “ you can’t have it all”.

Adam and Eve had everything. Remember, their father (God)  pledged the whole world to them.  And also blessed them with the ability to increase, multiply and be fruitful… How great!  But sad see mankind selling their souls for the basics. Why? Because the serpent is still after their inherent blessings .  ” … Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth…”  I am certain that the feeling of insufficiency and lack came about when man sinned and lost his right of ownership and rulership; hence the statement “you can’t have it all.” Mankind’s inherent blessings of fruitfulness, multiplication, replenishment, subjugation and dominion is the solution for lack and insufficiency.    No wonder these blessings have become the bone of contention between the serpent and man. The serpent wants to prove to the God that He wasted His precious time at creating the world and giving man such power to rule the world and all there is in it. Oh men!  You see the Devil is smart… He knows that man indeed have it all.   The serpent is bent on wiping out humanity with wars and its associated disasters.  Sexual Immortality with its resultant effect of strange sicknesses and diseases is what the serpent is using to plaque and completely wipe out humanity. The blessing of subjugation pronounced on man is fiercely being contended with; the introduction of homosexuality, bestiality and all forms of addiction leaves man with the spirit of uselessness – unable to rightfully own and control his inherited world meant for his good and comfort.

“… Rule over the fish in sea and the birds in the sky...

But God still believes in His children. He did not make a mistake by creating man. At the end of the day, the victory is with man. ”

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15

The Lord indeed gave man everything; including the greatest blessings of all – SALVATION.  The greatest blessings was when he came to the earth himself to put His world together. Through Jesus Christ, mankind is able to rule as God planned in the beginning. The spoken blessings of fruitfulness is seen at work in the lives of those are saved by the grace.  Though Satan has plagued the world but the world has also witnessed these blessings at play in the lives of many. Many servants of God have revolutionized the world with the good news of the risen saviour. It is now your turn to rise up and work with the inherent blessings “… Be fruitful… Subdue the earth…”. So do not buy into the serpent’s lies; you’re are actually the ruler and you have it all.  The devil has no share in this… It is only when you allow him to deceive you that is when he gets to enter and do his worse. But other than that, you are the king created to rule and have dominion. You have been fashioned to this way so operate as such. It is inherent; YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL.



Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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